Challenge Stereotypes, Value Experience
Our sake brewing starts by questioning the conventional wisdom. Sometimes this means choosing a different method to the one described in the textbooks and papers, in order to produce great sake.
Sake brewing is a series of processes with teamwork at the heart: polishing, washing the rice, making koji, making yeast starter and brewing the mash. While working at Aramasa Brewery, in charge of making koji, Okazumi learned that even if you make what you think is the best koji, you can’t make great sake unless the next team in the process also thinks it’s the best.
We work backwards from the ideal taste and consider each step of the process. For example, for the process of making koji, we take less time than a typical sake brewery. This is because the younger the koji is, the more drinkable the resulting sake will be. At every stage of the process, all the brewers get to know the texture, smell the aroma and taste the flavour. It is the accumulation of the changes that make each moment delicious that leads to the final taste. We learn from the texts, but we do not take them for granted.
從理想的清酒味道計算過來,配合著一個個不同的工序。例如:「稲とアガベ」的製麴時間會比一般的酒藏為短。由於採用了比較年輕的麴,所釀造出來清酒的味道會更容易飲用。洗米、蒸米、製麴等等工序的各個範疇,岡住先生會靠自己的感 觀來確認、嗅其氣味、並以舌頭品嚐。透過其瞬間感受到的「美味」、「舒服」、「愉悅」等堆積著的變化,從而與最終的美味連結起來。就算每日通過文獻來學習,也決不能只是囫圇吞棗,而是要進行著各式各樣的體驗來釀造清酒。